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Operation Pachamama - December 2019 Donor Report

The Tracker Academy

We just returned from South Africa where we spent two weeks attending the graduation ceremony for our sponsored students, meeting with the principals of our partners, evaluating the strength and credibility of our partners, and, on a personal note, seeing parts of South Africa we had not previously visited. It was a very successful trip and we are even more committed to supporting anti-poaching efforts.


The students we sponsor for the anti-poaching ranger school at the South Africa Wildlife College are graduates of the Tracker Academy, a part of the Southern African College of Tourism. The graduation ceremony we attended was for both the College of Tourism and the Tracker Academy. About 150 students graduated in one of the most joyous, spiritual, and touching ceremonies we’ve ever attended. The students, dressed in traditional graduation robes, sang and moved in traditional African ways. It was a blessing to observe their joy.


We’ve learned more about how the College and the Academy operate. All of their students come from rural, disadvantaged environments. The cost of the year’s training at the Track Academy is a little less than $10,000 per student. This amount is completely underwritten by the Rupert family (primarily Mrs. Gaynor Rupert), the Peace Parks Foundation, and corporate sponsors. 


We observed plaques and flags honoring the various corporate sponsors. Many of them were South African companies, but two stood out: the European Union and the Rothschild Foundation. Needless to say, our confidence in our partners increased when we saw the depth and quality of the corporate sponsors.


The students are asked to pay for their travel costs and a small amount for personal items. This amounts to about $350 per year for each student, a significant amount to them, but well worth it when they received their certificates from the King of Lesotho, who we set right behind him during the ceremony. 


We had the pleasure of meeting the Executive Director of the College and Mrs. Rupert, Chairperson of the Board, as well as several representatives of the corporate sponsors and staff. We were impressed by all and are firmly convinced that your money is being well and carefully spent.


A highlight for us was meeting Harry Baloyi, a young man who finished his course at the Academy in May and came back for the graduation ceremony. After his May graduation, Harry attended the anti-poaching ranger school as one of our sponsored students. He graduated and is now seeking employment in the anti-poaching field. He was enormously grateful for the scholarship and stipend. Needless to say, hugs were shared all around.


While in the area of the College, we had the opportunity to spend two nights at Samara Private Game Reserve. Part of the Tracker Academy training occurs there and the owner and General Manager both increased our feeling of confidence in our partners. While speaking with the GM, he identified two key elements in the South African anti-poaching arena. The first was for more boots on the ground and he was thrilled when he heard of our/your scholarship program.


On a more individual level, he identified Samara’s need to increase the quality of its anti-poaching unit (APU). They want to bring additional animals onto the Reserve but can’t get the necessary permits without having an enhanced APU. When we asked what he needed most, his reply was unequivocal: an anti-poaching dog. After an hour or more of discussion, we committed up to $6,000 to cover the acquisition and training of just such a dog. Thus, Operation Pachamama has just expanded its mission, hopefully with your enthusiasm.


The Tusker Club

Now for some news that involves YOU. We have started a core group of early donors called the Tusker Club. To be a member, you can donate $100 a year for five years.  A base of 60 Tusker Club members will ensure that Operation Pachamama will be sustainable for five years.  If you are interested in becoming a Tusker Club member - click here.


Upcoming Trip to Africa

Finally, our trip last month solidified an idea we were exploring before we left. We are planning a trip to South Africa for eight of our Tusker Club members. Details are coming soon.   No commitments are required, but it will be on a first come, first serve basis. The tour will be limited to 8-10 people to maximize the quality of the experience.  Every dollar raised by Operation Pachamama goes to the anti-poaching efforts, the trip will be self-funded by the participants. 


As soon as we have tentative details and costs, we’ll inform everyone.  Best guess is in addition to nights in Johannesburg and Cape Town for logistical reasons, we may visit four other places. Virtually all of the locations are involved in some form of conservation effort, so you’ll be helping the planet while enjoying the country. 



We are extremely grateful to you for all you’ve done for Operation Pachamama. Thanks to you, as soon as the students are identified, we’re prepared to fund two additional students into the anti-poaching ranger program. Thanks to you, we’re having a real boots-on-the-ground impact in the fight to save the wild animals of Africa, the birthplace of humanity and the bellwether of humanity’s commitment to its fellow creatures.


Thanks to you, there is hope – to save the planet, one animal at a time.



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